Thursday, October 24, 2013

The 5 Most Common Myths About Investing in Lakeland TN 38002 Real Estate, by Chris Griffith, Experienced Investing Expert in the Lakeland & Arlington TN 38002 Market

Investing in real estate is a great way for anyone in Lakeland & Arlington TN to make money. Yet so many people never get their start in real estate simply out of fear. Much of it is because of myths about real estate investing that simply aren't true. In this article, we'll dispel 5 of the most common myths about investing in Lakeland & Arlington TN.

Myth #1 - You Need Experience to be Successful

Experience will help a lot in making good investment decisions. However, the only way to get experience in investing is to actually make investments. 

Even Donald Trump had to start somewhere. And even he had to make mistakes. Not having experience is no excuse not to get started.

Myth #2 - Now is Not the Right Time

There are always strategies to make a profit in Lakeland & Arlington TN real estate, no matter what the market looks like.

In an "up" market, purchasing foreclosed or damaged properties and flipping them for high prices is a very profitable strategy.

In a "down" market, buying a property, renting it out and holding it as the property increases in value is generally a profitable strategy.

There are many
different strategies you can employ to invest in real estate, depending on what the market looks like. 

Myth #3 - Fixer Uppers are a Safe and Simple Way to Get Started

This simply isn't true. There are many investors, both experienced and inexperienced who've lost a lot of money by getting themselves into bad fixer upper deals.

Myth #4 - Investing is Easy

Easy is the one thing investing is not. That isn't to say it shouldn't be an enjoyable experience. Learning to be successful in investing could be an immensely enjoyable experience.

But it is hard work. There's a large learning curve. You have to put in a lot of work. But in the end, your hard work will pay off.

Myth #5 - You Need a Lot of Money to Invest

The reality is that your inner determination to make deals happen is far more important than the money. No money down deals is a reality that can work anywhere, even in Lakeland & Arlington TN.

These 5 myths are common excuses people use to not get started in real estate investing. None of them are true. The best time to get started in your investing career is now.

There is a lot of free information available to you about buying, selling or investing in Lakeland & Arlington TN real estate. For complete information about the Lakeland & Arlington TN real estate market including current properties for sale, property values and more please visit the most complete website online dedicated to everything Lakeland & Arlington TN real estate at Please feel free to contact me with any of your real estate or mortgage related questions and I will be more than happy to answer your questions. Call me on my cell at 901-461-5590 or email me at

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Mortgages Defined: Information from Lakeland & Arlington TN 38002 Real Estate Professional Chris Griffith with First National Realty

Mortgages Defined: Information from Lakeland & Arlington TN 38002 Real Estate Professional Chris Griffith with First National Realty
Unless you are one of the approximately four percent of the nation's home buyers that pay cash, chances are you are going to need some kind of a mortgage. But before you start pulling credit and signing papers there are a few things that you should know, according to real estate expert Chris Griffith with First National Realty. Having a little info ahead of time can save you heartache and money.
There are many different types of loans out there and the selection is changing all of the time. When you start the loan process you may want to consider sitting down with your bank and seeing what they can offer. If you have been a loyal customer they may give you special savings for giving them the opportunity.
Many people go online to shop for a mortgage. Although it is convenient to do so, it can be an aggravating situation. Online lenders typically work in another state which means you will be at the mercy of returned phone calls for answers. If they are in a different time zone then it creates a whole new set of problems. Plus, a broker in another state may not be completely familiar with the lending guidelines in Tennessee.
In recent years, more than ever, your rating will be determined by your overall credit score. A high rating rewards you with better options from lenders. Make sure that you do not get in the habit of having your credit pulled repeatedly by different lenders while you shop. This could negatively affect your score.
Depending on how much you put down will determine which loans you qualify for. Financing more than 80 percent means you will have to pay for either mortgage insurance, the V.A., F.H.A. or another third party group. This is their way of insuring the loan against default. These are all good loans, but remember if you can afford to put more down you may be saving on that insurance each payment.
To get more tips on financing your home purchase, contact Real Estate Expert Chri Griffith at 901-461-5590 today.
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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Finding a Lakeland & Arlington TN 38002 Home Inspector That Suits Your Specific Needs by Lakeland & Arlington TN Real Estate Expert Chris Griffith with First National Realty

Finding a Lakeland & Arlington TN 38002 Home Inspector That Suits Your Specific Needs by Lakeland & Arlington TN Real Estate Expert Chris Griffith with First National Realty
Finding the best set of eyes to investigate your potential home requires some homework. Actually, a lot, but let’s start with the basics.

Finding a Lakeland & Arlington TN Home Inspector

If you have a friend who also recently purchased a home, then chances are he’s had his home inspected by a Lakeland & Arlington TN  home inspector. You can ask him if there’s anyone he can suggest or if he knows the association or company to which his Lakeland & Arlington TN  home inspector belongs. If not, you can also try asking your real estate broker, they will work with Lakeland & Arlington TN  home inspectors and know who to recommend.

One of the perks of the Internet is that you can find all sorts of information about almost anything in there. You can start looking for a Lakeland & Arlington TN  home inspector by checking websites operated by CREIA ( and ASHI ( 

These two sites actually include tips for consumers,Lakeland & Arlington TN  home inspector standards and practices and lists of members. It might be good if you hire a Lakeland & Arlington TN  home inspector, who is a member of a reputable association because their membership often comes with a very rigid set of rules that ensure professionalism in everything that they do. For one, some organizations require their Lakeland & Arlington TN  home inspector to pass a test. After that, they would have to meet continuing education requirements. And then, there are the standards of practice and code of ethics that they need to follow. All of this will help ensure that you are getting your money’s worth when you hire a Lakeland & Arlington TN home inspector to examine your house.

What You Need to Know About Lakeland & Arlington TN  Home Inspectors

Most inspections take at least three hours for an average-sized house. The cost depends on the size of the potential home. Prepare yourself to spend at least $250 to $350. But if the house you are planning to buy is huge, then you might have to spend a little more than that.

Lakeland & Arlington TN  home inspectors are not required to do more than what their job entails, which is to make an objective and independent visual assessment of all its major components. So figuring out how to securoty sytems, pools, etc.may not be part of their job, but you can ask them questions pertaining to these. 

It is always advised that you, the home buyer, are present while the Lakeland & Arlington TN  home inspector is making his rounds of the property. He will be looking through every aspect of the house, even going so far as going through crawl spaces, poking the cills and windows, and going up the attic. That much he is allowed. 

There is a lot of free information available to you about buying, selling or investing in Lakeland & Arlington TN  real estate. For complete information about the Lakeland & Arlington TN  real estate market including current homes for sale, property values and more please visit the most complete website online dedicated to everything Lakeland & Arlington TN  real estate. So please feel free to contact me with any of your mortgage questions and I will me more than happy to answer your question. Call me on my cell at 901-61-5590 or email me at

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The Top 5 Ambiance Mistakes Sellers in Lakeland, TN 38002 Make when Selling Their Home, by Chris Griffith with First National Realty, Lakeland TN Expert Real Estate Agent

The Top 5 Ambiance Mistakes Sellers in Lakeland, TN 38002 Make when Selling Their Home, by Chris Griffith with First National Realty, Lakeland TN Expert Real Estate Agent.
A sale will often depend upon the way it looks. Buying a home is often an emotional decision. The use of aesthetics has a powerful ability to affect the way in which you feel. This article covers a few of the biggest errors in terms of appearance that sellers in the Lakeland TN area make, so you can avoid these mistakes and fetch a higher price for your house.

Lighting is crucial when showing your house to a buyer.

Mistake #1 - Poor Lighting vs.Bright and inviting, a naturaly lit house with bright light seems to draw you in. Dark and gloomy,a dark house seems.

Make sure the windows are open and the curtains are pulled back. If the house is naturally poorly lit, get some extra lights in the house to help with the lighting.

2nd error - Neglecting Fragrance

The subtle scent of your home plays a large role in the purchaser's attitude. While it's nice to have a faint, clean scent to the house, what should absolutely be avoided are any noticeable strange smells or odors.

Aroma's that remind the buyer of the current occupant are not welcome. Use of some air fresheners prior to showing the house can work wonders.

The inside of your house is not the only place you should pay attention to.

Mistake #3 - Poor Exterior & First Impression of The exterior, including the paint and the front yard, both play an important factor in the buyer's decision making process. Great Curb Appeal is Crucial to potential Buyers wanting to visit your property for sale.

Your buyer will get a first impression from viewing the exterior of your home.

Perhaps you have a teenager who's painted his walls orange.

Mistake #4 - Strange Colors: Pink may be your forte and it may look good with the paintings you own. But, for the individual shopper, the hues might or might not be appropriate.

Why chance it? Make sure all the walls are painted a neutral color,before showing your house.

Spray WD-40 on any squeaking hinges.

Mistake #5 - Not Making Obvious Repairs: If you are having issues with major utilities be sure to have those problems resolved first. Replace any damaged or old kitchen cabinets and counters, Rotten Wood on Exterior, etc.

Tiles need to be completely cleaned of grime and dirt. Often times it could even pay to replace old windows.

You can acquire a lot of information regarding buying, selling and investing in Lakeland TN , all at no cost. Contact Lakeland TN Real Estate Expert Chris Griffith Today for more helpful Tips. I will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have about real estate or mortgage, please feel free to Call me on my cell at 901-461-5590 or email me

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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Don't Even Think About Buying an Investment property in Lakeland & Arlington TN 38002 Until you Have Secured Financing by Lakeland & Arlington TN Real Estate Pro Chris Griffith with First National Realty

Don't Even Think About Buying an Investment property in Lakeland & Arlington TN 38002 Until you Have Secured Financing by Lakeland & Arlington TN Real Estate Pro Chris Griffith with First National Realty
If you have excellent credit you will have the least amount of hurdles to jump through. When the mortgage companies in Lakeland & Arlington TN area are discussing your creditworthiness They are generally referring to your FICO score,looking at your credit. Most people don't know how to look at their credit scores. But this can be very important when it comes to getting credit. Many company's use these scores to determine whether you can pay your bills and how you pay your bills. Anything under 600 is considered bad credit. So this is why it is so important to keep an eye on your credit score. And to get a credit report every 6 months to determine if there is any false information on your credit history.

You will have access to the best loans and more negotiating room with a FICO score above 710,when looking at your credit score.

There are a wide variety of loan options available to the investor in Lakeland & Arlington TN area. It is still possible but not probable that you could fine financing for 100% of the cost to purchase the piece of investment property.

If your credit is not excellent there are still options available. A second option is to work with the seller and have him or her carry an additional mortgage on the property in which you are working with in  Lakeland & Arlington TN.

For example let's say you agree on a price that you and the seller are content with. You get 80% through a bank or lender and the owner agree to finance to other 20% for you as a term of the contract.

You will find that the process of getting a loan is less complicated for eighty percent of the purchase price. It is definitely the case if you have agreed on a cost that is less than the market value. Perhaps you agreed upon a final price of $100,000 While the real market value is determined to be 123,000.

In this scenario the money coming from the lender is easier to get. The risk is a lot less.
For additional Information about mortgages and Lakeland & Arlington TN homes for sale, Contact  Lakeland & Arlington TN 38002 Real Estate Expert Chris Griffith with First National Realty when looking to Buy, Sell or Invest in Lakeland & Arlington TN Real Estate. Contact Chris grififth Today 901-461-5590 or Email

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Should Properties in Lakeland, TN 38002 be Sold by FSBO or Through an Agent? By Lakeland TN Real Estate Professional Chris Griffith with First National Realty

Should Properties in Lakeland, TN 38002 be Sold by FSBO or Through an Agent? By Lakeland TN Real Estate Professional Chris Griffith with First National Realty
As a seller looking to get the most out of your house, it’s completely understandable to want to try your hand at selling the house on your own. Before you make your decision, consider these pros and cons about selling a home through a FSBO or through an agent. By the end of this article, you’ll be able to make a much more informed decision.
6% - 7% Commission
The reason sellers opt for FSBO sales is because working with a real estate agent can be seen as “expensive” because of the 6% commission.
However, in reality it almost always costs more to not hire a real estate agent. The NAR has found that on average, sales done through a real estate agent sell for 16% higher than those listed by FSBOs.
Another reason why sellers may opt for FSBOs is the desire to control the entire selling process. While this could be great, it can also be a big pitfall.
Why? Because sellers are often very attached to their homes. They have an emotionally attachment which keeps them from making unbiased judgments or negotiating in an unattached manner.
That’s why it’s so important that if you work with an agent, you work with an agent you trust so that you can share the responsibility while knowing your agent is taking care of what needs to be taken care of.
Finding Buyers
It’s hard for FSBOs to find good buyers. Why? 
Generally, real estate agents don’t show FSBOs. Instead, they show properties listed by other agents. What ends up happening is that investors or buyers looking for a lowball deal end up coming to look at FSBOs, resulting in lower sale prices.
Although there are some positives to listing your home as a FSBO, it’s usually not worth the headache and the time and money you’ll likely lose as a result.
To see if a real estate agent is good for you, it’s important to talk to someone who’s been local to the Lakeland TN area for some time. To see if we’d be a match, please give me a call at 901-461-5590 or send me an email at

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Monday, October 21, 2013

New Listing! Great Price & Motivated Sellers! 8 Whitaker Ave., Mason TN 38049 with Sought after Brighton,TN School District. LOW Taxes & Minutes to Arlington, TN 38002. $113,000

New Listing! Great Price & Motivated Sellers! 8 Whitaker Ave., Mason TN 38049 with Sought after Brighton,TN School District. LOW Taxes & Minutes to Arlington, TN 38002. $113,000
 MLS# 3283694 
Adorable, Stylish & Updated home located on Quite street with 3 Bedrooms, 2 Full Baths, Breakfast Bar , Island in Kitchen, Dining Room, Spacious Bedrooms. Updated with Newer Carpet, Hardwood, Tile, Kitchen Cabinets, Tile Back Splash, Fresh Paint & SO MUCH MORE! Move in Ready Ranch Style home just over the Shelby County line. Close Proximity to Everything with LOW Tipton County Taxes and minutes to Arlington, TN 38002. Includes 2 Storage Buildings - 1 Storage Building (20X15) with electricity that could easily be used as Play House or Home Office, etc.  Great Starter Home or Looking to Downsize- Perfect Location All on a Quiet Dead Road!
Call Chris Today for Appts. 901-461-5590      
Great Sought after Tipton County Schools - Brighton Elementary, Brighton Middle and Brighton High
Room Dimensions:
Living Room:18X13
Master Bedroom: 14X13
2ND Bedroom: 13X10
3RD bedroom: 11X10
If Looking to get approved for a Home Loan Contact:
 Herb Hyman
Regional Manager
Iberia Bank Mortgage
7465 Poplar Ave. 2ND Floor
Germantown, TN. 38138
Office: 901-759-4800
Direct: 759-4802
AHS-American Home Shield Flex Plan Warranty Provided for Buyer at Closing
To get more information about 8 Whitaker Ave. listing and Homes for sale in Tipton County, TN. or to Make Appt(s) -Contact local Real Estate Expert Chris Griffith with First National Realty at 901-461-5590 today!
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6 Tips for Picking a Real Estate Agent in Lakeland & Arlington TN 38002 By Lakeland & Arlington TN Real Estate Professional Chris Griffith with First National Realty

6 Tips for Picking a Real Estate Agent in Lakeland & Arlington TN 38002 By Lakeland & Arlington TN Real Estate Professional Chris Griffith with First National Realty
Your real estate agent is someone who’ll be working side by side with you on one of the biggest financial moves of your life. Your agent will be negotiating with you, educating you and helping you buy or sell your property. It’s absolutely crucial to make sure you choose a good real estate agent. In this article, we’ll go over 6 powerful tips for choosing a good real estate agent in the Lakeland & Arlington TN area.
Tip #1 - Look at Their Website
You can tell a lot about a real estate agent based on their website. This is where they’ll “showcase” the highlights of their service.
What sets them apart from the competition? How long have they been in business? Browse your potential agent’s website and see if who they are resonates with you.
Tip #2 - Trust your first impression
A working relationship with a real estate agent is based on trust. Trust that your agent will have your best interest in mind, not just a quick commission.
Often times your first impressions will be dead on. Can you trust this person? Do you feel comfortable doing business with this person? Usually you’ll be able to answer these questions in just a 15-30 minute conversation.
Tip #3 - What will be your marketing plan (Seller) or negotiation strategy (Buyer) for me?
A good real estate agent will have a plan for getting you the best price possible, whether you’re buying or selling. 
When you’re considering working with an agent, ask them: What will be your marketing plan or strategy for negotiating for me?
Tip #4 – Work with a Residential Expert
If you’re looking for an agent in the Lakeland & Arlington TN  area, generally you want to work with someone who knows the area very well.
Make sure your agent has been local for some time and has completed several transactions in the local area. Your agent should have a good idea of the approximate home values in all the different areas of the city.
Tip #5 – How reachable are you? What will working with you be like?
What hours does your agent work? Will you be dealing directly with your agent, or will you have to go through an assistant every time?
How long will you have to wait each time you make an appointment? Can you call up a couple days before, or do you have to make an appointment a week in advance?
Know what it’s like to work with your agent before you decide whether or not to move forward.
Tip #6 – Can Your Agent Provide References?
Satisfied clients will often times provide references, letters of recognition or a phone number where other potential clients can call to see what it was like working with this agent.
If your agent has been in business for some time, they should have some references you can look at. Look into these references and see if your agent is someone you want to work with.
If you’re considering an agent in the Lakeland & Arlington TN  area, it’s important to work with someone who’s experienced and knows the local area. If you don’t already have an agent, feel free to give me a call for a free consultation on buying or selling your home. I can be reached at 901-461-5590 or email

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