Monday, June 24, 2013

Learn How to Stage Your Lakeland, TN 38002 Home to Sell: Tips from Lakeland TN Real Estate Expert Chris Griffith at First National Realty


Learn How to Stage Your Lakeland, TN 38002 Home to Sell: Tips from Lakeland TN Real Estate Expert Chris Griffith at First National Realty
 If you are ready to sell, every buyer that enters should get the full experience of your home.  After all, you have to convince them to buy your home over every other Lakleand, TN home they look at.  So how do you do that?  You do it by making your home stand out in their mind.
 Everyone knows about curb appeal so we'll assume that you take great care in maintaining your lawn.  But when they enter the front door, then what?  First, what will they smell?  Yes, if there is an overwhelming odor that takes their attention when they come in, your first impression is shot.  They will be distracted the whole time they are in the home.  On the other hand, you don't want them gagging from the smell of industrial cleaners either.  A good rule of thumb is to light a scented candle a half hour before their arrival and blow it out right before they get there. 
 Check bedrooms for clutter and disarray.  Clothes should be put up and beds made.  Make sure everything is dusted and all personal items are safely tucked away.  Also, anything that is left out should be in good taste.  You may have little ones or someone's grandmother coming through.
  Bathrooms should especially be clean.  Shower curtains should be open to give the full size of the room.  Clean mirrors and make sure all drains are working properly.,
  The kitchen is one of the most important rooms.  Since a lot of time is spent here a lot of time should be devoted to prepping it.  Make sure counters are cleaned off of anything unnecessary.  If you do not use it on a regular basis put it out of sight.  People want to see how much counter space they have to work with.  Clean everything off of and out of the frig.  You don't need any distractions here, either. 
 When you feel comfortable that you are ready to show, have a neighbor come through posing as a buyer.  Have them give their honest opinion on every room.  This outside voice will give you a dry run for the real thing.  Better to discover something you overlooked now than when a viable buyer is looking.
 For more tips on how to get your Lakeland, TN home ready to be sold, get in touch with Chris Griffith at First National Realty. You can may contact us directly at 901-461-5590 or via the website at

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